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Ysgol GynraddCalon Y Cymoedd

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  • Medi 2020

    Fri 28 Aug 2020

    Return to school - September 2020

    Dear parents/guardians,

    We are looking forward to welcoming all our pupils back into school over the next few weeks. The arrangements that have been distributed to you at the end of the summer term have not changed so please take time to familiarise yourself with  the details. (see dojo school page and website:

    Please note that start and finish times have been set and to avoid large numbers of parents and children arriving at the same time we urge you to adhere to these times.

    No parents will be allowed to stop and wait on any yard at any time but hopefully as the situation with Covid-19 improves we will be able to adapt in the future.

     Parents will be allowed to drop off and pick up their children following the one way system.

    If any parents are concerned with our return to school they are welcome to contact us at any time.

    Thank you for your continued cooperation and we look forward to seeing you all.

    We have not changed the bus times. Please contact transport in regards to bus services. 

    Many thanks
    Catrin Coulthard 

  • Reopening of schools BCBC want your opinion

    Mon 01 Jun 2020


    By Friday June the 5th 5pm

  • LLythyron haf / Summer letters

    Mon 01 Jun 2020 Catrin C



    Annwyl Rieni / Gofalwyr


    Croeso yn ôl i ail hanner Tymor yr Haf. Gobeithio eich bod chi'n cadw'n iach ac yn ddiogel. Mae'r llythyr hwn yn rhoi diweddariadau a gwybodaeth i chi ynghylch datblygiadau ysgolion a ble'r ydym ar hyn o bryd.


    Diweddariad Dysgu o Bell


    Mae platfform Hwb a argymhellwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru wedi sicrhau amgylchedd diogel ar-lein i bawb. Mae ystafelloedd dosbarth Hwb/ google classrooms a see saw yn llwyddiannus iawn, gyda chanran uchel iawn o ddisgyblion yn cael mynediad i’r adnoddau hyn ac yn ymgysylltu â nhw. Mae teuluoedd meithrin wedi bod yn mwynhau gweithgareddau, caneuon a straeon sydd ar gael iddynt. Gwnaethom ddarparu technoleg a gliniaduron lle bo angen i gefnogi unrhyw ddisgybl na allai gyrchu a chymryd rhan yn y dysgu o bell ac mae hyn wedi hwyluos’r sefyllfa.

    Mae ein cydweithwyr addysgu wedi sicrhau bod cydbwysedd o waith ysgol, tasgau cyfoethogi a sgiliau bywyd ar gael ar Hwb, tasgau sydd hefyd yn drawsgwricwlaidd. Mae ardal drafod ar dojo a google classrooms wedi rhoi cyfle i ddisgyblion ymgysylltu â'u cyfoedion ac athrawon dosbarth os ydyn nhw'n dymuno gwneud hynny. Mae staff yn ymateb yn rheolaidd i dasgau a thrafodaethau trwy e-bost a dojo. Wrth i ni gynllunio'r rhaglen nesaf o weithgareddau ar gyfer ein disgyblion, mae staff addysgu yn parhau i edrych ar ffyrdd o ddarparu gweithgareddau amrywiol i sicrhau bod disgyblion yn gallu rhyngweithio os ydyn nhw'n dymuno gwneud hynny a bod eu sgiliau iaith Gymraeg yn cael eu cynnal. Yn ogystal â sgwrsio â'u cyfoedion os ydyn nhw'n dymuno gwneud hynny i gwblhau tasgau, mae yna lawer o apiau a rhaglenni y gellid eu defnyddio i sicrhau bod disgyblion yn clywed ac yn cynnal lefel sylfaenol o Gymraeg. Gallwch chi helpu'ch plant trwy eu hannog i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau sydd ar gael trwy gyfryngau amrywiol, e.e. gwrando ar gerddoriaeth Gymraeg, lawrlwytho apiau Cymraeg, gwylio rhaglenni teledu Cymraeg, neu trwy ddefnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol neu dechnoleg ddigidol i'w hannog i ddefnyddio'r Gymraeg wrth siarad â ffrindiau a theulu. Mae Prifysgol Bangor newydd wneud ei meddalwedd Cysgliad yn rhad ac am ddim i'w lawrlwytho; Pecyn meddalwedd yw Cysgliad sy'n cynnwys gwiriwr gramadeg a sillafu Cymraeg Cysill yn ogystal â chasgliad geiriaduron Cysgeir ac mae'n offeryn gwych ar gyfer gwirio sillafu a gwaith geiriadur. Gellir dod o hyd i Cysgliad ar wefan Prifysgol Bangor .

    Mae gan Hwb lawer o weithgareddau Cymraeg a gellir cyrchu pob rhaglen trwy gyfrwng Cymraeg neu Saesneg. Bydd adnoddau addysgol pellach yn cael eu rhyddhau dros Hwb dros yr wythnosau nesaf, yn ychwanegol at yr adnoddau sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Cadwch lygad hefyd ar ein cyfrif Twitter gyda’n straeon  ar sianel YouTube ein hysgol a’r wefan.

    Yn amlwg bydd ein darpariaeth gwricwlaidd yn newid dros amser ac mae trafodaethau eisoes wedi digwydd ynghylch cael cyfarwyddiadau a gwybodaeth wedi'u recordio ymlaen llaw ar gael i ddisgyblion. Bydd y ddarpariaeth hon yn parhau i gael ei monitro gan uwch arweinwyr dros yr wythnosau a'r misoedd nesaf, fel y pe byddem yn yr ysgol. Mae staff hefyd yn cwblhau adroddiadau ysgolion disgyblion yn seiliedig ar gynnydd hyd at y pwynt cloi, cyhoeddir yr adroddiadau hyn yn ddiweddarach y tymor hwn.



    Ailagor Ysgol

    Nid oes gennym ddyddiad ailagor ysgolion eto yma ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr nac yn wir yng Nghymru. Mae Kirsty Williams, Gweinidog Addysg Cymru, wedi ei gwneud yn glir y bydd ailagor yn cynnwys cynllunio gofalus yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth a rhesymau diogelwch. Y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf yw, os a phryd y byddwn yn ailagor, byddwn yn dychwelyd yn raddol dros amser, gan ddilyn canllawiau a gweithdrefnau awdurdod lleol a’r llywodraeth i sicrhau amser paratoi a hyder yn yr holl randdeiliaid i ddychwelyd. Nid ydym yn gwybod eto sut olwg fydd ar hyn, pryd y bydd hyn yn dechrau cael ei weithredu na pha grwpiau blwyddyn y bydd yn eu cynnwys. Gan fod hon yn sefyllfa newydd i ni hefyd, gofynnwn ichi ganiatáu amser inni weithio trwy'r trefniadau hyn i sicrhau'r canlyniad gorau posibl i bawb. Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi eich amynedd yn y mater hwn a byddwn wrth gwrs yn parhau i gyfathrebu â chi wrth i'r paratoadau hyn fynd yn eu blaen, yn ein dull agored a gonest arferol.


    Lles a Chefnogaeth i Deuluoedd

    Diolchwn eto i'r holl rieni / gofalwyr am eich cefnogaeth barhaus. Rydym yn gwybod bod llawer ohonoch yn poeni am effaith cloi i lawr ar addysg, ond fel addysgwyr proffesiynol, gawn ni eich sicrhau y byddwn yn ymdrîn â hyn dros amser. Lles eich hunain a'ch plant yn ogystal â'n staff yw ein ffocws a'n blaenoriaeth, yn yr hyn sy'n gyfnod newydd, ansicr i lawer.


    Wrth i ni ysgrifennu hyn, Mae mesurau cloi i lawr yn ymlacio ychydig gan ein bod bellach yn gallu ymweld ag aelodau eraill o’r teulu yn yr awyr agored wrth gynnal pellter cymdeithasol a hylendid dwylo da. Bydd hyn yn rhyddhad i lawer sydd yn gweld eisiau teulu a ffrindiau.

    Rydym mewn cysylltiad o bell â llawer o deuluoedd ac asiantaethau yn ystod cau’r ysgol ac unrhywun sydd ag angen cefnogaeth bellach neu reolaidd. Fel bob amser, os oes angen unrhyw gymorth ar unrhyw un yn ystod y cyfnod hwn o gau, ebostiwch gyfeiriad gweinyddol yr ysgol sef a byddwn mewn cysylltiad i ddarparu unrhyw gefnogaeth briodol y gallwn ei chynnig.


    I gloi, hoffem ddweud DIOLCH enfawr unwaith eto wrth bob aelod o gymuned Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Calon Y Cymoedd sy’n cefnogi mewn unrhyw ffordd, p’un a ydych chi’n weithwyr rheng flaen, gwirfoddolwyr neu deuluoedd sy’n cefnogi gweithgareddau gartref. Gyda’n gilydd gallwn gefnogi ein gilydd ac edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu chi I gyd yn ôl yn yr ysgol cyn gynted ag y bydd yn ddiogel ac yn bosibl gwneud hynny.

    Cofion cynnes,


    Catrin Coulthard








     Dear Parents / Carers

    Welcome back to the second half of the Summer Term. We hope that you are keeping well and safe. This letter provides you with updates and information regarding school developments and where we are at this period in time.


    Distance Learning Update

    The Hwb platform which was recommended by Welsh Government has ensured a safe online environment for all. The Hwb classrooms are very successful, with a very high percentage of pupils accessing and engaging with these resources. Nursery families have been enjoying activities, songs and stories available to them from seesaw and our youtube chanel.  We provided technology and laptops where required to support any pupil who could not access and participate in the distance learning and this has proved to be more successful.  



     Our teaching colleagues have ensured there is a balance of schoolwork, enriched tasks and life skills available on our website, google classrooms and seesaw, tasks which are also cross-curricular. Staff respond regularly to tasks and discussions both via dojo and google classrooms, which is a very positive direct and personal contact between staff , parents and pupils. As we plan the next programme of activities for our pupils, teaching staff continue to look at ways of providing varied activities to ensure that pupils can interact if they wish to and that their Welsh language skills are being maintained. In addition to conversing with their peers if they wish to do so to complete tasks, there are many apps and programmes which could be used to ensure pupils hear and maintain a basic level of Welsh. You can help your children by encouraging them to engage in activities available through various media, e.g. listening to Welsh-language music, downloading Welsh-language apps, watching Welsh-language television programmes, or by using social media or digital technology to encourage them to use Welsh when speaking to friends and family. Bangor University has just made its Cysgliad software free to download; Cysgliad is a software package that includes the Cysill Welsh-language grammar and spelling checker as well as the Cysgeir collection of dictionaries and is a great tool for spellchecking and dictionary work. Cysgliad can be found on the Bangor University website ( Hwb already has many Welsh language activities and all programmes may be accessed through the medium of Welsh or English. Further educational resources will be released over the coming weeks on Hwb, in addition to the resources currently available. Please also keep an eye on our Twitter feed and our stories  on our school YouTube channel and school websites.


    Our curricular provision will evidently change over time and discussions have already taken place as to making available pre-recorded instructions and information for pupils. This provision will continue to be monitored by senior leaders over the next few weeks and months, as it would if we were in school.

    Staff are also completing pupil school reports based on progress up to the point of lockdown and these reports will be issued later this term.


    School Re-opening

    We do not have a school re-opening date yet here in Bridgend or indeed in Wales. Kirsty Williams, Education Minister for Wales, has made it clear that re-opening will involve careful planning based on evidence and safety reasons. The latest information is that if and when we do re-open, that it will be a phased return over time, following local and government guidelines and procedures to ensure preparation time and confidence in all stakeholders to return. We do not yet know what this will look like, when this will start to be implemented or which year groups it will involve. As this is a new situation for us also, we ask that you allow us the time to work through these arrangements to ensure the best possible outcome for all. We appreciate your patience in this matter and will of course continue to communicate with you as this preparation progresses, in our usual open and honest manner.


    Family Wellbeing and Support

    We again thank all parents/carers for your ongoing support. We know that many of you are concerned about the impact of lockdown on education, but as professional educators please be reassured that we will address this over time. The wellbeing of yourselves and your children as well as our staff is our focus and priority, in what is a new, uncertain and stressful time for many. As we write this, lockdown measures are relaxing a little in that we are now able to visit another household outdoors while maintaining social distancing and good hand hygiene. This will come as a relief to many who are missing loved ones and friends.

    We are in remote contact with many families and agencies during the school closure and anyone requiring further or regular support. As always, if there is any support or help that you require during this period of closure, please email the school admin address at and we will be in touch to provide any appropriate support that we can offer you.

    To close, we would like to again say a huge DIOLCH to all members of the Ysgol Calon y Cymoedd community who are supporting in any way you can, whether you are front line workers, volunteers or families supporting activities at home. Together we can support each other and we look forward to welcoming you all back at school as soon as it is safe and possible to do so.

    With all our best wishes,

     Catrin Coulthard

  • Infomation on food bank opening times

    Tue 05 May 2020 Catrin Coulthard
    Monday Pencoed St Davids Church Hall, Wimborne Rd CF35 6SG 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
    Tuesday Bridgend  79A Nolton Street CF31 3AA 11:00 am 1:00 pm
    Caerau Noddfa Community Centre CF34 0PB 11:00 am 1:00 pm
    Maesteg Peniel Evangelical Church CF34 9AL 11:00 am 1:00 pm
    Porthcawl  Y Centre, John Street CF36 3AP 10:00 am 12:00 pm
    Wednesday Pontycymmer His Place, 107 Oxford Street CF32 8DE 1:30 pm 3:30 pm
    Thursday Aberkenfig Community Church, Pandy Road CF32 9PP 10:00 am 12:00 pm
    Cornelly Community Church, Greenfield Terrace CF33 4LW 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
    Cymmer Cymmer Afan Comm Centre Station Rd SA13 3HR 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
    Porthcawl  Y Centre, John Street CF36 3AP 10:00 am 12:00 pm
    Friday Bridgend 79A Nolton Street CF31 3AA 11:00 am 1:00 pm
    Maesteg Peniel Evangelical Church CF34 9AL 11:00 am 1:00 pm
    Pontycymmer His Place, 107 Oxford Street CF32 8DE 12:00 pm 2:00 pm
  • Home learning questionnaire

    Tue 28 Apr 2020
    Annwyl rieni/gofalwyr,

    Fel ysgol, rydym yn ceisio cefnogi ein teuluoedd i orau ein gallu yn ystod yr adeg rhyfedd hon. Er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn llwyddo, a fyddech mor garedig a llenwi yr holiadur isod. Mae eich barn yn bwysig iawn i ni.

    Dear parents/carers,
    As a school we are striving to support our families as best we can during these strange times. In order for us to succeed in this, we would very much appreciate your opinion. Could you therefore complete a short questionnaire. The link is attached below.

    Diolch yn fawr :)
  • FSM collection points

    Fri 20 Mar 2020 Mrs Coulthard

    Dear Parents, carers and guardians

    The local authority has been working on an emergency mobilisation plan to make available, for collection, a take-away packed lunch for those pupils eligible for free school meals from Monday 23 March 2020.

    23 collection points have been identified within local schools (attached). The packed lunches will be available in the main reception area of these schools between 1pm and 2pm. We are hoping to move the collection time to 12 noon to 1pm following our assessment of suitability of these timings.

    Please see a list of collection points here. Please only attend your nearest/designated collection point.

    On Monday 23 March 2020, we will be providing one day's lunch provision but we hope to move to providing two days' provision as soon as food supply deliveries allow us to. This change will be communicated to you at your collection school.

    I would be grateful if you could limit the amount of people attending the school collection points on each day.

    Many thanks


    Lindsay Iorwerth Harvey (Mr)

  • New Curriculum for Wales Parents Event

    Thu 15 Feb 2018 Mrs Llewellyn

    Thank you to all parents who attended our New Curriculum for Wales event. If you could not come make it here is the presentation for you to look through. We hope this is of use, but if you have any questions about the new curriculum please do not hesitate to ask your class teacher. Diolch.

    If you cannot view the slideshow we have uploaded the pdf version for you here.
  • Parent Forum

    Sun 03 Dec 2017 Mrs Llewellyn

    We have added a new page to our website in the Parents' section. it is about a new Parent Forum we are setting up. Please take a look. Diolch.

  • Big Maths Parents Event

    Thu 23 Nov 2017 Mrs Llewellyn

    Thank you to all parents who attended our Big Maths event. If you could not come to our event here is the presentation for you to look through. We hope this is of use, but if you have any questions about Big Maths please do not hesitate to ask your class teacher. Diolch.


    Download pdf here 

  • School Fruit Shop

    Fri 27 Oct 2017 Mrs Llewellyn
    We have now sourced a supplier for our school fruit shop. They will begin delivering after half term, but the cost will increase to 30p per day.