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Faint fydd cost eich bar siocled?/ How much will your chocolate bar cost?


Bydd angen i chi ymchwilio i brisiau gwahanol fariau siocled. Sylwch ar y prisiau hyn mewn tabl. Bydd angen i chi ddod o hyd i bris o leiaf 15 bar siocled gwahanol. Gallwch wneud hyn trwy ymchwilio ar y rhyngrwyd neu fynd i siop i wneud hynny. Os ydych chi'n mynd i fynd i siop i ddod o hyd i brisiau, cofiwch fod yn rhaid i chi gadw at y rheolau pellhau cymdeithasol sy'n cael eu rhoi ar waith mewn siopau. Cyfrifwch bris cyfartalog y bariau siocled rydych chi wedi'u darganfod. Faint fydd cost eich bar siocled ar ol darganfod pris cyfartalog prysau bariau siocled?


You will need to research the prices of different chocolate bars. Note these prices in a table. You will need to find the price of at least 15 different chocolate bars. You can do this by researching on the internet or going to a shop to do so. If you are going to go to a shop to find prices, remember that you have to adhere to the social distancing rules that are put in place in shops. Work out the average price of the chocolate bars you have discovered. How much will your chocolate bar cost after calculating the avaergae price of chocolate bars?
