Ceisiwch creu map or stori gallwch defnyddio unrhyw dull neu adnodd hoffech.
Try and create a map of the story, you could use what ever choice of media you would like.
Gofynwch i oedolyn cyddio tedi a gweld os allwch ffindio.
Ask an adult to hide a teddy bear and go on your very own bear hunt!
Allwch cael pic-nic gyda ted yn yr gardd, gofynwch i oedolyn os galwch defnyddio pots neu pans hen ac cer allan a creu bwyd picnic gan defnyddio eich dychymyg a adnoddau o gwpas chi erenraifft mwd,glaswellt,tywod a dŵr.
Neu allwch helpu creu pic-nic go iawn a helpu oedolyn cogion yr bwyd fallau allwch creu cacenau, neu allwch helpu rhoi menyn ar bara yn barod i creu brechdan.
Ceisiwch creu banoculars er mwyn defnyddio wrth chwarae gêm 1,2,3 ble wyt ti?
Try and make a pair of banoculars to use whilst going on your bear hunt and playing 1,2,3 where are you?
Gan cyfeirio at yr llyfr allwch creu llwybr synhwyrau, gofynwch ich plentyn cerdded ar hyd yr llwybr ac wrth i nhw cerdded gofyn i nhw pa rhan or llyfr mae nhw yn?
By using the book going on a bear hunt create a path using different objects/media to create diffrent scenes from the book. Then ask your child to walk along the path, using there feet they should be able to detect where they are in the book. for example for the snow scene you could put something frozen on the floor and ask your child to walk over it, for the mud you could use watered down mud, paint anything that will feel squishy and squelchy under her/his feet.
Ceisiwch adeladu den / Ogof ir arth cysgu mewn.
Build a Bear tent / Cave for teddy to live in