Ysgrifennu cerdd diemwnt / Write a diamante poem
Defnyddiwch y Pwerwbynt sydd wedi'i atodi am gymorth / Use the attatched PowerPoint for support
Ysgrifennu Cerdd Diemwnt
Tasg 1: Nodweddion cerdd diemwnt/ edrych ar enghreifftiau o gerddi diemwnt i gael ysbrydoliaeth.
Tasg 2: Casglu syniadau ar gyfer y gerdd gyda’r thema ‘O dan y mor’:
Gallent defndyddio thesawrws fel gymorth i ddarganfod syniadau ar gyfer eu cherddi.
Tasg 3: Ysgrifennu’r gerdd
Writing a Diamond Poem
Task 1: Diamond poem features / look at examples of diamond poems for inspiration.
- I have attached an example of a diamond poem
Task 2: Collect ideas for the poem with the theme 'Under the Sea':
- Fill in the work sheet to gather ideas
- Adjectives
-s relevant to the text
They could use a thesaurus to help find ideas for their poems.
Task 3: Write the poem