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Contact Details for Support and Advice

Action for Child – 01656 766067 – Offers a support service to help under 5’s get ready for school, such as: paly sessions, speech therapists, health intervention and parenting programmes.


Barnardo’s – 01656 815420 or - Offers one to one support on practical home management matters.


Bereavement Support - 073791 69836 – Offers support, advice to children and adults after someone has passed away.


Bridgend Carers – 01656 658479 - Provides information, support and short break opportunities to all carers throughout Bridgend.


Bridgend Food Bank – 01656 750016 or – supporting families in financial difficulty with food and non-judgmental support.


Childline - 0800 1111 - Information and advice to guide and support you about anything that is on your mind. Child Exploitation and Online Protection - Protection advice if worried about online abuse or want to report.


ChatHealth - 07520 615718 - Text service to the School Nurse Service.


Citizens Advice – 01656 762800 – Offers advice on issues affecting people’s lives: for those in crisis or just exploring options.


Early Help - Offers services to support children, young adults and their families. 01656 815420 or email MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) - A single point of contact for all safeguarding concerns about vulnerable children: on 01656 642320, adults on 01656 642477 or email


National Autistic Society - - Provide local information, advice and support any one whose life is touched by autism.


NICCO – 0808 808 2003 or information and services to families and children of offenders.


NSPCC - 0808 800 5000 - Supports and protects children and helps prevent any type of abuse. - 999 for emergencies or 101 for non-emergencies - Use to report an emergency or to seek advice/services for those affected by crime. Samaritans - Call 116123 for free or email  Support for whatever you are going through.


Turn 2 Us – 01656 643643 - information on childcare options, education provision, activities and services for children and young people.


Young Minds - Text YM to 85258 or visit  Free 24/7 text support for young people experiencing mental health/wellbeing issues.
