Home Page

Ysgol GynraddCalon Y Cymoedd

Everyone Matters, Everyone AchievesPob Un Yn Cyfri, Pob Un Yn Cyflawni

Cyfnod Sylfaen

Calendr Chwefror/February Calendar

Her Gartref/Home Challenge

Adlewyrchiadau Lockdown/Lockdown Reflections

Lle Diogel/Safe Place

Mae gan bawb Ofidau - Llyfr 

Covid-19 story book, ‘Mae gan bawb Ofidiau’’-


We believe it will be a useful tool to help parents talk about the subject with children and help them to manage their emotions, especially with the return to school.


Oxford University Press and Rily have worked together with the author Jon Burgerman to provide this digital resource, free of charge, to the end of 2020. Here is the link to the English language e-book -

Gallwch Ddewis/You Can Choose

Ymarfer Corff Actif 8/AYPD Active Workout 8

Bingo Anghenfil - Gêm Teimladau/Monster Bingo - Feelings Game

Ymarfer Corff Actif 7/AYPD Active Workout 7

Ymarfer Corff Actif 6/AYPD Active Workout 6

Calendr Lles Mis Mehefin/June Wellbeing Calendar

Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl 18.5.20-22.5.20/Mental Health Awareness Week 18.5.20-22.5.20

Mae'r wythnos hon yn Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl. Mae'r thema wedi newid i Garedigrwydd oherwydd y pandemig coronafirws. Byddem wrth ein bodd os gallech rannu unrhyw luniau o'r plant yn dangos caredigrwydd tuag at eu hunain neu eraill, gartref neu yn y gymuned fel y gallwn rannu a dathlu pwysigrwydd Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme has changed to Kindness due to the coronavirus pandemic. We would love it if you could share any pictures of the children showing kindness to themselves or others at home or in the community so that we can share and celebrate the importance of Mental Health Awareness.




Ymarfer Corff Actif 5/AYPD Active Workout 5

Gweithgareddau Lles/Wellbeing Activities

Gêm - Fy Hoff / Game - My Favourite

Parth Teulu Actif/Family Active Zone (FAZ)

Gweithgareddau Synhwyraidd/Sensory Activities

Ymarfer Corff Actif 4/AYPD Active Workout 4

Ymarfer Corff Actif 3/AYPD Active Workout 3

Calendr Lles Mis Mai/May Wellbeing Calendar

Her 60 Eiliad/60 Second Challenge

Ymarfer Corff Actif 2/AYPD Active Workout 2

Gweithgareddau Ymlacio/Relaxation Activities


Ymarfer Corff Actif 1/AYPD Active Workout 1


Her Lluniau/Photo Challenge

Gweithgareddau Lles 2 / Wellbeing Activities 2

Mae lles a iechyd meddwl yn bwysig yn ystod yr adeg ansicr hwn. Dyma dudalen a ellir ei ddefnyddio fel dyddiadur lles dyddiol sy'n helpu plant i archwilio eu teimladau. It's important not to overlook your child's mental health and well-being during the coming weeks. Here's a page that you can use as a daily well-being diary in order to help them explore their feelings.

PE With Joe | Monday 20th April

Cosmic Yoga

Explanation for Parents / Esboniad i rieni

Welcome to Cosmic Kids! Yoga and mindfulness for kids. Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation designed specially for kids aged 3+, used in schools and homes all over the world. * Stream all our videos ad-free: https://...

Kids Yoga for Anxiety - feel calm & relieve stress!

Find your centre with this selection of calming kids yoga adventures to help ease worries and anxiety. Let me know how it goes for you in the comments below ...

Mae gan rywun rydw i'n ei adnabod yn gael Coronavirus / Someone I know has Coronavirus

Cyswllt cymdeithasol - stori gymdeithasol / Social contact - social story

Rydyn ni gartref ar hyn o bryd - stori gymdeithasol / We are at home right now - social story

Mae ein hysgol yn cau am gyfnod - stori gymdeithasol / Our school is closing for a while - social story

Gweithgareddau Lles/Wellbeing Activities

Calendr Lles - Ebrill/April Wellbeing Calendar

Dyma her lles ELSA ar gyfer mis Ebrill. Os ydych chi'n cwblhau unrhyw rai, anfonwch luniau ataf.

Diolch Miss K.Thomas


Here is the ELSA wellbeing challenge. If you complete any please send me pictures.

Diolch Miss K. Thomas

Coronavirus - stori gymdeithasol / Cornavirus - social story

Roll a positive question / Rholiwch gwestiwn postif
