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Investors in Families

We are Family Competition 


After the success of our first We Are Family Competition during lockdown, we are now running another one from 3rd July, with entries being submitted by 31st July.


The first competition brought us some amazing pieces of artwork/performance and creativity and we also received so many touching comments about how we managed to keep the children occupied with something a little different.  The website now shows our winners and they have all been rewarded for their efforts with £25 for a first prize, £15 for second and £10 for third.  The Prizes this time will be the same but will be given out in Amazon vouchers.


Now the children are back at school until the summer hols, we thought we would do continue with our 2nd Competition but just have two categories this time:


MY FAVOURITE RECIPE – a form will be attached to the website whereby the children can download it, fill it in and scan it back.

POETRY OR PROSE – this one will be for a poem or story about their 2020 Lockdown experience in no more than 250 words.


You will need to go to website to see all the rules and regulations and then submit your entries to

Cystadleuaeth "We Are Family" Competition

Mae'r tîm Buddsoddwyr mewn Teuluoedd wedi cynnig cystadleuaeth i'r teulu cyfan gymryd rhan ynddo. Mae'n gystadleuaeth dalent o'r enw "We Are Family". Mae pedwar categori i ddewis ohonynt. Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar gael yma Gallai hyn fod yn rhywbeth hwyl i'r teulu cyfan dros hanner tymor. Os ydych chi'n cymryd rhan, byddwn i wrth fy modd yn gweld.

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth barhaus


The Investors in Familes team have come up with a competition for the whole family to get involved with. It is a talent competion called "We are Family". There are four categories to choose from. More information can be found here

This could be something fun for the whole family over half term. If you get involved I would love to see. 

Thank you for your continued support

The School I'd Like

Rydyn ni fel ysgol yn paratoi ar gyfer ein gwobr Buddsoddwyr mewn Teuluoedd. Mae Chris Waterman, Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol Buddsoddwyr mewn Teuluoedd, hefyd wedi lansio Prosiect “The School I’d Like” (SIL), fel ffordd o ennyn diddordeb myfyrwyr ysgol, a’u rhieni a’u gofalwyr, wrth lunio’r system ysgolion ar gyfer y dyfodol.


Ysgrifennodd, "When I was in the sixth form in 1967 (re-taking my ‘A’ levels, as it happens) The Observer ran a competition called “The School I’d Like”.  Edward Blishen edited the Penguin special, which captured the views of young students."


Hoffai i blant, rhieni / gwarcheidwaid a staff lenwi holiadur syml.

Yn ogystal â'r cwestiynau, mae lle iddyn nhw ysgrifennu / teipio hyd at 500 gair am yr ysgol yr hoffan nhw.


Dwedodd, “I will put together the ideas in a book to be published later in the year.  I will also ask teachers and policy makers to review what the students have said and to respond by contributing to “The School We’d Like To Offer: 2025”.


As a school, we are preparing for our Investors in Families award. Chris Waterman, Executive Director of Investors in Families, has also launched “The School I’d Like” (SIL) Project, as a means of engaging school students, and their parents and carers, in shaping the school system for the future.


He wrote, “When I was in the sixth form in 1967 (re-taking my ‘A’ levels, as it happens) The Observer ran a competition called “The School I’d Like”.  Edward Blishen edited the Penguin special, which captured the views of young students.”


He would like children, parents/guardians & staff to complete a simple questionnaire. 

As well as the questions, there is space for them to write/type up to 500 words about the school that they would like.


He said, “I will put together the ideas in a book to be published later in the year.  I will also ask teachers and policy makers to review what the students have said and to respond by contributing to “The School We’d Like To Offer: 2025”.
