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Ysgol GynraddCalon Y Cymoedd

Everyone Matters, Everyone AchievesPob Un Yn Cyfri, Pob Un Yn Cyflawni


Admission Arrangements/ Trefniadau Derbyn Plant 


We welcome, by prior arrangement if possible, any parents who are considering sending their child to our school, to answer questions, explain our aims, and to give an insight into the daily running of the school. We also like to show prospective parents our facilities.


We supply an admission form on request, and a copy of the School Prospectus.


During the Summer Term, invitations are sent to local groups of parents who have completed School and Local Authority (LA) application forms, for children to spend time with us, the children in the classroom, and parents to have an informal meeting to discuss relevant information. They are also invited to attend any P.T.A. function (such as a Summer Fete) which may be arranged for that time. 


Rydym yn croesawu ymweliadau gan ddarpar rieni a'u plant. Cant gyfle i ofyn cwestiynau, gweld yr ysgol a chyfle i'r plant dreulio amser yn y dosbarth cyn iddynt ddechrau ym Mis Medi.
