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Gweithgareddau Meddwlgarwch - Mindfullness Activities

Arsylwi ar y Gymylau

Observing the clouds 



Sut ? - Gorweddwch i lawr gyda'ch plentyn/plant ac edrychwch lan at yr gymylau, Pa fath o siapau allwch chi weld?

sut mae nhw yn newid gyda'r gwynt? Wyt ti'n gweld yr un peth a fi?


Pam ? - Mae'r gweithgaredd yn helpu Ich plenty I datblygu sgiliau dychymyg a sgiliau arsylwi.


How ? - Lie down on a blanket and look up to the clouds in the sky. What shapes do you see ? How do the shapes evolve as they move in the wind? Do you and your child/ren see the same shapes?


Why ? - Hones your child's Observational skills and helps to develop imaginative thinking. 


Ioga Anifeiliaid 

Animal Yogi



Pigwch eich hoff anifeiliad ac ceisiwch creu ystem ioga eich hunain. Triwch dal yr ystem am oleiaf 20-30 eiliad pob tro. 

Pick some of your favourite animals and act them out in the form of yoga pose.Try to hold each pose for 20-20 seconds and repeat 


Engreifftiau o wahanol ystemau yoga

Examples of different yoga poses






Yoga i Blant 'Y Gwanwyn'

Sesiwn i ymdawelu yn canolbwyntio ar siapiau'r 'Blodyn' a'r 'Coeden'. A calming session concentrating on the 'Flower' and 'Tree' shapes.

Yoga Time! | Jungle Safari - Kids Yoga and Nursery Rhymes

Yoga for kids - Yoga animal poses - Yoga practice tutorial - Yoga class for children

Taith gwrando wrth cerdded

Listening walk



Sut ? - Cer ar taith o gwmpas eihc ardal lleol ac pob hyn a hyn stopiwch ac grandewch ar eich amgylchedd.Beth allwch chi clywed? Ydy'r swn wedi newid or tro dwethaf? Pa anifeiliad allwch chi clywed? Sut ydych chi yn teimlo? 

Pam ? - Mae cerdded wrth gwrando yn gallu helpu ich pentyn teimlo digyffro/ ymlacio.sydd yn ddelfrydol am rhyngraidd synhwyrol.


How ? - Go for a walk, stay silent for 5-15 minutes depending on the age of your child/ren , and listen closely to the sounds around you, after the time is up discuss what you all heard and where the sounds came from.

Why ? - Listening walks can help put your child in a calm but alert state, which is ideal for sensory integration. 






Creu mandala Naturiol 

Create a nature mandala




Sut ? - Casglwch andoddau naturiol erengraifft dail,petalau,cnau,cynghannau,cerrig gan defnyddio eich adnoddau pigwch un peth am canol eich mandala ac wedyn triwch creu patrwm ailgytgan.

Pam ?- Wrth creu mandala naturiol mae;n hybu teimlad o ymlacio a tawel.


How ? - Collect natural media, leaves,petals,nuts,stones,branches,twiggs,shells. Pick a center piece and then with the rest of your natural media try to create a reoccurring pattern. 

Why ? - Making nature mandalas is calming and relaxing, its also helps to support your child's creativeness.



Lesson 2: Nature Walk Mandala

Take a walk and make art! Learn to create a Mandala using all-natural objects. This lesson is for 2nd - 5th Grade.

Nature Walk Mandalas
