Chwaraewch y ffilm a rhewi ar ol 20 eiliad. (Play the film and pause it after 20 seconds.)
Trafodwch y canlynol: (Discuss the following - think of vocabulary in Welsh)
• Which character do you think this is?
• Can you think of any adverbs to describe how he moves?
• Use similes or metaphors to describe his appearance.
Pause the film after 52 seconds when Rock rests his head on his arm.
• Who is Rock watching?
• Describe how Paper is moving.
• What does Rock think about Paper?
Pause after 1 minute
• How does the director use music and sound to signify danger?
• How could we get the same effect in our writing? Pause the film on the close up of Scissors’ face
• How could we describe Scissors’ face?
Pause the film at 1 min 25 when Rock grips Paper’s arm.
• If he could speak what do you think he would say to her now?
• What punctuation would we need to use to write it down. Play the next couple of seconds and asks why can’t he hold on to Paper’s arm?