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1. Dysgu a Perfformio sgript/monolog.

Beth am ddysgu un o'r sgriptiau/monologau hyn a gwneud fideo o'ch hun yn actio i'w anfon at eich athro.

How about learning one of these scripts/monologues and making a video of yourself acting to send to your teacher.

2. Creu Sioe Pyped
Beth am gyfuno Drama a chelf er mwyn creu sioe pupped i ddangos i'ch dosbarth 
How about combining drama with art and creating a puppet show to show your class. 
  • Ymchwiliwch ar YouTube am syniadau trwy chwilio 'Kids Puppet shows'.
  • Pethau i feddwl am:
    • Beth ydych chi yn mynd i ddefnyddio i greu pyped?
    • Wyt ti yn mynd i greu sgript eich hun neu ailchwarae golygfa o eich hoff ffilm/sioe?
    • Oes modd defnyddio pethau eraill i wneud sioe pyped e.e. eich dwylo neu deganau.?


  • Research 'Kids puppet shows' on Youtube for ideas.
  • Things to consider: 
    • What are you going to use to make a puppet?
    • Are you going to make your own scripts or recreate a scene from your favourite show/film?
    • Is it possible to use other things to create a puppet show for example your hands or toys? 

Gallwch chi ddefnyddio iMovie i olygu eich sioeau/Fideos. 

You could use iMovie to edit your shows/Fidoes.
