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Welcome to Our Governors Section


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

About the Governing Body


The governing body is similar to the board of directors of a company and is responsible for making decisions regarding the way a school is run. The governing body meets at least once a term and additional meetings of sub-committees are held as required.


The Governors work with the Headteacher to:


  • Agree on the aims and values of the school
  • Decide what is taught
  • Set standards of discipline
  • Review progress at the school interview and appoint teachers
  • Decide on school budget expenditure and approve school development plans
  • Provide parents with information about the school
  • Prepare action plans to ensure improvements following school inspections



School governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They are obliged to work as one body.



Code of Conduct for Governors

Meet the Governors


Chairperson / CadeiryddMrs Katie Humphrey
Vice-Chair /Is-Gadeirydd

Mrs Jacqui Niven

L.E.A.Representatives / Cynrychiolwyr yr A.A.Ll.

Mrs Katie Humphrey

Community Representatives / Cynrychiolwyr Cymunedol

Ms Bethan Dalton

Mr Huw Marshall

Cllr Mrs A. Jones

Mrs Sarah Hawke-Williams

Staff Representatives / Cynrychiolwyr Athrawon

Mrs C. Coulthard

Miss E. Bartlett

Miss S. Wootten 

Parent Representatives / Cynrychiolwyr Rhieni

Mrs Sally-Ann James

Mrs Jacqui Niven

Mrs Louise Skevington

Clerk to the Governors / Clerc

Mrs Simone Delaney


Parent Governors / Cynrychiolwyr Rhieni


A parent governor is:


  • a parent of a child at the school
  • elected by the school’s parents
  • serves, as do other governors, for four years


They have equal status in the work of the Governing Body and have voting rights. Four parents are elected as members of the Governing Body every four years or as required.

  • Mrs Sally-Ann James
  • Mrs Jacqui Niven
  • Mrs Louise Skevington


Parents who are governors present the views of parents to the Governing Body but they are expected to speak and act as individuals. They should not consider themselves as a voice or as envoys for parents: they do not vote on behalf of all parents.
