Hawl y Mis: Erthygl 27 - Yr hawl i gael cartref, bwyd a dillad addas.
Her y Mis:
Cyfnod Sylfaen:
Ydych chi'n gwybod stori Jack a'r Goeden Ffa? Nid oedd gan Jack a'i fam lawer o arian. Cyfnewidiodd ei fuwch am rai ffa hud oherwydd ei fod yn credu y byddai hynny'n gwella eu bywyd. Dychmygwch beth fyddai’n digwydd pe na bai angen ffa hud ar Jack i wella ei fywyd ac yn lle hynny, dilynodd y bobl â gofal ei wlad Erthygl 27. Fe wnaethant roi help i fam Jack, ac erbyn hyn mae gan Jack yr hyn sydd ei angen arno i dyfu a datblygu. Tynnwch lun o Jack gyda'r holl bethau sydd eu hangen arno ar gyfer bywyd gwych. Cynhwyswch ei fuwch yn y llun os mynnwch chi! Neu, fe allech chi actio neu greu sioe bypedau o stori newydd Jack.
Cyfnod Allweddol 2:
Ymchwilio i bobl sydd wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth i fynd i'r afael â thlodi. Fe allech chi ddewis rhywun fel Charles Dickens, Marcus Rashford, Joseph Rowntree, William Beveridge, Wangari Maathai neu Abisoye Ajayi-Akinfolarin. Dewiswch un a chreu poster i'w arddangos gyda llun y person a chrynodeb o'u cyflawniadau wrth fynd i'r afael â thlodi.
Cyfrifoldeb y Mis: Gofalu am eich ysgol a chartref a'i gadw'n lân
Right of the Month: Article 27 – The right to a proper house, food and clothing.
Challenge of the Month:
Foundation Phase:
Do you know the story of Jack and the Beanstalk? Jack and his Mum did not have much money. He swapped his cow for some magic beans because he thought that would make their life better. Imagine what would happen if Jack did not need magic beans to make his life better and instead, the people in charge of his country followed Article 27. They gave help to Jack’s mother, and now Jack has what he needs to grow and develop. Draw a picture of Jack with all the things he needs for a great life. Include his cow in the picture if you like! Or, you could act out or create a puppet show of Jack’s new story.
Key Stage 2:
Research people who have made a difference to tackling poverty. You could choose someone like Charles Dickens, Marcus Rashford, Joseph Rowntree, William Beveridge, Wangari Maathai or Abisoye Ajayi-Akinfolarin. Pick one and create a poster for display with the persons picture and a summary of their achievements in tackling poverty.
Responsibility of the month: Take care of your school and home and keep them clean.
Please send to me on Dojo/Hwb Thomask110@hwbcymru.net by Thursday 27th of May.
Hawl y Mis: Erthygl 7 - Mae gen i hawl i gael enw ac i berthyn i wlad
Her y Mis:
Cyfnod Sylfaen - Creu arwydd gyda'ch enw arno - gallai hyn fod gyda phapur a beiro, paent neu collage
gyda deunyddiau dan do neu awyr agored.
Cyfnod Allweddol 2 - Tynnwch law hunaniaeth! Tynnwch lun o amgylch un o'ch dwylo, ysgrifennwch eich enw llawn yn yr ardal bawd, yn y bys nesaf, ysgrifennwch ddyddiad eich genedigaeth, rhowch y wlad rydych chi'n ei galwn'n gartref yn y bys nesaf. Yna yn y ddau bys olaf, ysgrifennwch enwau dau oedolyn sy'n bwysig i chi, fel eich rhieni, gofalwyr neu neiniau a theidiau. Tynnwch faner eich cenedligrwydd ar y palmwydd. Gorffennwch eich llun gyda'ch hoff liwiau neu ddylyniadau.
Cyfrifoldeb y Mis: Parchu enwau a chenedligrywdd eraill
Anfonwch nhw i fi erbyn dydd Mercher y 24ain o Fawrth a byddwch yn derbyn tystysgrif. Gallwch naill ai eu hanfon trwy dojo neu anfon e-bost ataf ar thomask110@hwbcymru.net
Right of the Month: Article 7 - I have a right to a name and to belong to a country
Challenge of the Month:
Foundation Phase - Create a sign with your name on – this could be with paper and pen, paint or a collage with indoor or outdoor materials.
Key Stage 2 - Draw an identity hand! Draw around one of your hands, write your full name in the thumb area, in the next finger, write your date of your birth, put the country you call home in the next finger. Then in the last two fingers, write the names of two adults who are important for you, like you parents, carers or grandparents. Draw the flag of your nationality on the palm. Finish your picture with your favourite colours or designs.
Responsibility of the Month: To respect others names and nationalities
Please send them to be by Wednesday the 24th of March and you will receive a certificate. You can either send them via dojo or e-mail me on thomask110@hwbcymru.net
Miss Thomas
Hawl y Mis: Erthygl 15 – i gyfarfod â ffrindiau ac ymuno a grwpiau a chlybiau
Her y Mis: i ddod ynghyd â ffrindiau yn ddiogel ar-lein a thrafod sut rydych chi'n teimlo yn ystod yr amser hwn. Gadewch imi wybod a ydych wedi gwneud hyn ac anfon tystiolaeth ataf os hoffech
a/neu os ydych yn rhan o glwb yn ystod yr amser yma anfonwch lun ataf o sut rydych chi’n rhyngweithio â chymryd rhan yn ystod y cyfnod clo.
Cyfrifoldeb y Mis: i ganiatáu i eraill ddewis eu ffrindiau ac ymuno â chlybiau
Anfonwch nhw i fi erbyn dydd Mercher y 3ydd o Fawrth a byddwch yn derbyn tystysgrif. Gallwch naill ai eu hanfon trwy dojo neu anfon e-bost ataf ar thomask110@hwbcymru.net
Right of the Month: Article 15 – to meet with your friends and join groups and clubs
Challenge of the Month: to get together with friends safely online and discuss how you are feeling during this time. Let me know if you have done this and send me evidence if you would like and/or if you are a part of a club during this time send me a picture of how you are interacting and participating during this lockdown.
Responsibility of the Month: To allow others to choose their friends and to join clubs.
Please send them to be by Wednesday the 3rd of March and you will receive a certificate. You can either send them via dojo or e-mail me on thomask110@hwbcymru.net
Miss Thomas
Hawl y Mis: Erthygl 29 - I fod y gorau gallwch fod
Her y Mis: Cydnabod eich talentau eich hun. Hoffwn i chi gyflwyno'ch talentau. Gallwch chi fod mor greadigol ag yr hoffech chi. Fe allech chi wneud cyflwyniad pwerbwynt, fideo, rhestr neu hyd yn oed lun. Mae i fyny i chi yn llwyr.
Cyfrifoldeb y Mis: Byddaf yn ceisio fy ngorau yn yr ysgol. Byddaf yn parchu pawb a'u diwylliannau a byddaf yn parchu ac yn diogelu'r amgylchedd.
Anfonwch nhw i fi erbyn dydd Mercher y 27ain o Ionawr a byddwch yn derbyn tystysgrif. Gallwch naill ai eu hanfon trwy dojo neu anfon e-bost ataf ar thomask110@hwbcymru.net
Right of the Month: Article 29 - To be the best that you can be
Challenge of the Month: To recognise your own talents. I would like you present your talents. You can be as creative as you would like. You could do a powerpoint presentation, a video, a list or even a drawing. It is completely up to you.
Responsibility of the Month: I will try my best at school. I will respect everyone and their cultures and I will respect and protect the environment.
Please send them to be by Wednesday the 27th of January and you will receive a certificate. You can either send them via dojo or e-mail me on thomask110@hwbcymru.net
Miss Thomas
Dros yr haf byddwn yn gofyn yn garedig i'r plant ddylunio haul 'Heulwen Hawliau' ein Masgot Parchu Hawliau. Bydd y llun buddugol yn cael ei droi i mewn i ddelwedd ddigidol a bydd yn cynrychioli Hawliau Plant yn ein hysgol yn lle'r ddelwedd cliplun sy'n cael ei defnyddio ar hyn o bryd.
Dewch â nhw ym mis Medi a'u rhoi i mi
Over the summer I would kindly ask that the children design a sun 'Heulwen Hawliau' our Rights Respecting Mascot. The winning picture will be turned in to digital image and will represent Children's Rights at our school instead of the clip art image that is currently being used.
Please bring them in September and give them to me
Miss K. Thomas
Hawl y Mis: Eich hawl i ymlacio a chwarae
Her y Mis: I ddewis gwlad ac edrych ar ba fathau o gemau maen nhw'n eu chwarae yno. Naill ai dynnu llun ac egluro'r gemau neu greu cyflwyniad pwerbwynt. Byddwch mor greadigol ag yr hoffech chi.
Cyfrifoldeb y Mis: I gynnwys pawb mewn gemau a gweithgareddau
Right of the Month: Your right to relax and play
Challenge of the month: To pick a country and look at what types of games they play there. Either draw picture and explain the games or create a powerpoint presentation. Be as creative as you would like.
Responsibility of the Month: To include everyone in games and activities
Please send by Wednesday 15th of July.
Hawl y Mis: Yr hawl i siarad iaith eich hun a dilyn ffordd o fyw eich teulu.
Her y Mis: I ysgrifennu helo mewn 30 iaith wahanol neu fideo o eich hun yn dweud helo mewn 30 iaith wahanol. Yn ogystal â hyn os ydych chi am geisio ysgrifennu'ch enw mewn iaith wahanol yna byddwn i wrth fy modd yn gweld.
Cyfrifoldeb y Mis: Parchu diwylliant, crefydd ac iaith pobl eraill.
Right of the Month: The right to speak your own language and to follow your family’s way of life
Challenge of the month: To write hello in 30 different languages or video yourself saying hello in 30 different languages. In addition to this if you want to try and write your name in a different language then I would love to see.
Responsibility of the Month: To respect other people’s culture, religion and language.
Pictures can be sent on dojo, please send videos to Thomask110@hotmail.co.uk by Wednesday 24th of June.
Prynhawn da pawb,
Trwy gydol y flwyddyn mae ein Llysgenhadon Gwych Amelie-Jude a Lauren yn fy helpu i gwblhau tasgiau arbennig. Mae’r tasg arbennig Haf yma wedi'i nodi isod. A allech chi gael eich plant i gwblhau?
Mae’r bobl sydd am wneud gwahaniaeth yn eich bywyd eisiau clywed gennych chi ynglyn â sut mae bywyd wedi bod i chi dros yr wythnosau diwethaf. Mae Comisiynydd Plant Cymru, Sally Holland yn un o’r bobl hynny.
Mae hi eisiau gwybod am unrhyw bryderon sydd gyda chi, sut rydych chi wedi bod yn treulio eich hamser, ac hefyd am bethau sydd wedi eich gwneud chi’n hapus.
Mae Sally wedi bod yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru er mwyn gwneud yn siwr eu bod nhw’n gwrando ac yn clywed beth sydd gyda chi i’w ddweud. Mae Sally eisiau gwneud yn siwr bod y Llywodraeth yn gwneud eu gorau ar gyfer holl blant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru. Yn ogystal bydd hyn yn eu helpu i sicrhau eu bod nhw’n rhoi’r wybodaeth a’r cefnogaeth sydd angen arnoch chi i deimlo mor hapus a phosib yn ystod a thu hwnt y cyfnod yma.
Dylai’r holiadur cymryd tua 15 munud.
Rhannwch eich barn gan ddilyn y ddolen yma: www.complantcymru.org.uk/coronafeirwsafi
Throughout the year our Super Ambassadors Amelie-Jude & Lauren help me to complete special missions for the Children’s Commisioner for Wales – Sally Holland. This summer’s special mission is noted below. Please could you get your children to complete?
People who can make a difference to your life want to hear from you about how life has been over the last few weeks. Sally Holland, the Children's Commissioner, is one of those people.
She wants to know about any worries you have, how you've been spending your time, and also about the things that have made you happy.
Sally has been working with the Welsh Government, to make sure that they hear and listen to what you have to say. Sally wants to make sure they are doing their best for all children and young people in Wales. It will also help them to make sure that they are giving you the information and support you need to feel as happy as possible during this time and afterwards.
The survey should take you around 15 minutes.
Please share your views by following this link: www.childcomwales.org.uk/coronavirusandme
Cwblhewch erbyn dydd Mercher 27ain o Fai/Please complete by Wednesday 27th of May
Hawl y Mis: Eich hawl i safon dda o fywyd
Her y Mis:
Cyfnod Sylfaen: Creu tŷ cardfwrdd / defnyddio tŷ doliau a chynnwys y pethau sydd eu hangen arnoch i dyfu i fyny yn hapus, yn iach ac yn ddiogel. Y tu allan i'r tŷ, rhowch y pethau rydych chi eu heisiau ond nad oes eu hangen arnoch chi.
Lluniwch fap o'ch tŷ a labelwch yr holl ystafelloedd
Cyfnod Allweddol 2: Pa fath o wahanol lochesau ydy pobl yn byw mewn ar draws y byd? Pa wahanol fwydydd ydyn ni'n eu bwyta? Fe allech chi greu pwerbwynt, fideo neu dynnu llun byddwch yn greadigol.
Allan o ddeunydd wedi'i ailgylchu, adeiladwch dŷ gyda'r holl bethau y byddai eu hangen arnoch i oroesi.
Cyfrifoldeb y Mis: Gofalu am eich cartref a'i gadw'n lân
Anfonwch ataf ar Dojo / Hwb Thomask110@hwbcymru.net erbyn dydd Iau 28 Mai.
Right of the Month: Your right to a good standard of living
Challenge of the Month:
Foundation Phase: To create a cardboard house/use a dolls house and include the things you need to grow up happy, healthy and safe. Outside the house the things you want but do not need.
Draw a map of your house and label all of the rooms
Key Stage 2: What different types of shelter do people live in across the world? What different foods do we eat? You could create a powerpoint, video, draw a picture be creative.
Out of recycled material, build a house with all the things you would need to survive.
Responsibility of the Month: To look after your home and keep it clean
Please send to me on Dojo/Hwb Thomask110@hwbcymru.net by Thursday 28th of May.
Mae Unicef yn cyflwyno erthygl yr wythnos. Mae eu herthygl yr wythnos yn cysylltu â'n hawl y mis felly dyma ychydig o waith / gweithgareddau i'r plant eu cwblhau.
Unicef have brought out an article of the week. Their article of the week links in with our right of the month so here is some work/activities for the children to complete.