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Map drysor Mor Ladron / Pirates treasure map

Ar gyfer y dasg fathemateg hon, rwyf am i chi ysgrifennu'r cyfesurynnau ar gyfer pob peth ar y map drysor. Cofiwch fod rhaid i chi gerdded ar draws yr ystafell cyn mynd i fyny'r grisiau, felly dylech gael llythyren yn gyntaf ac yna rhif.

Ar ôl i chi orffen dasg gyntaf, hoffwn i chi feddwl am ychydig mwy o bethau y gallech eu hychwanegu at y map drysor, yn tynnu llun ohono ac yna rhoi'r cyfesurynnau i mi ar gyfer y pethau newydd rydych chi wedi'u hychwanegu.


For this maths task, I want you to write the coordinates for each thing on the treasure map. Remember you have to walk across the hall before going up the stairs, therefore you should have a letter and then a number.


After you have completed that task, I would like you to think of a few more things you could add to the treasure map, draw them and then give me the coordinates for the new things you have added.
