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Dyluniwch boster am sut i gadw meddwl iach/ Design a poster about how to keep a healthy mind /


Gan fod y rhain yn amseroedd dryslyd i ni i gyd a'ch bod chi i gyd wedi addasu i ddysgu o artref yn wych, mae angen i ni gofio cadw ein meddyliau'n iach er mwyn parhau i ddysgu'n dda. Darllenwch y ddogfen atodedig a fydd yn rhoi rhai syniadau i chi ar sut y gallwch chi gadw eich feddwl yn iach. Yna ewch ymlaen i greu poster gan ddefnyddio syniadau eich hun neu trwy ddefnyddio rhai syniadau o'r atodiad. 


As these are confusing times for us all and you all have adapted to learning from home brilliantly, we still need to remember to keep our minds healthy to continue to learn well. Read the attached document that will give you some ideas on how you can keep a healthy mind and then proceed to create a poster using ideas of your own or by using some ideas from the attachment.


