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Ysgol GynraddCalon Y Cymoedd

Everyone Matters, Everyone AchievesPob Un Yn Cyfri, Pob Un Yn Cyflawni

Health / Absence Procedures

Absence / Absenoldebau


Absences needs to be recorded from first day of absence and every other day until your child/children returns to school. Please could you contact the Main Reception by phone or text only, no Dojo communication will be accepted as previous Dojo messages have lead to confusion.

All absences are recorded as "authorised" (ie. an acceptable reason is given by parents) or "unauthorised" - where no reason or an unacceptable reason is given. Continuous lateness or absences will be reported to the Education Welfare Officer.


Mae angen cofnodi absenoldebau o'r diwrnod cyntaf o absenoldeb a phob diwrnod arall nes bod eich plentyn/plant yn dychwelyd i'r ysgol. A fyddech cystal â chysylltu â'r Brif Dderbynfa dros y ffôn neu'r testun yn unig, ni dderbynnir unrhyw gyfathrebu Dojo gan fod negeseuon Dojo blaenorol wedi arwain at ddryswch.

Cofnodir pob absenoldeb fel "awdurdodedig" (h.y. rhoddir rheswm derbyniol gan rieni) neu "anawdurdodedig" - lle na roddir rheswm neu reswm annerbyniol. Bydd y Swyddog Lles Addysg yn rhoi gwybod i'r Swyddog Lles Addysg am fod yn hwyr neu'n absennol yn barhaus.



Health and Illness / Iechyd a Salwch


We are visited by medical and dental officers regularly, to carry out vision, hearing, height, health and dental checks. We also receive visits from the teacher for Hearing Impaired children..


Daw swyddogion yr Awdurdod Iechyd i'r ysgol yn rheolaidd i fesur datblygiad ac iechyd y plant.


We require an emergency telephone contact number for each child, in case of illness or accident, so that parents can be contacted as soon as possible if the need arises. The Education Office will be contacted in the event of no parental contact being made in an emergency.


Disgwylir i bob rhiant adael rhif ffôn y cartref neu waith er mwyn i ni gysylltu â nhw mewn achos o salwch neu argyfwng.


Please DO NOT SEND NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION to school with your child, expecting the staff to administer it. Prescription medicines eg, antibiotics which must be taken during the day will be administered by senior staff, following completion of the relevant forms, available from the school office. We will only accept asthma inhalers and pumps and eye drops for hayfever, but only on completion of a form of consent by parents and, in certain cases, by doctors, by prior arrangement with the Headteacher. Inhalers will be locked in a class cupboard and administered by staff. Only where absolutely necessary will inhalers be carried by pupils, with staff being previously informed. 


Os gwelwch yn dda, PEIDIWCH Â DANFON MODDION Di-BRESCRIPTIWN i'r ysgol. Caiff moddion prescriptiwn ee, antibiotics eu rhoi gan staff profiadol ar ol derbyn y ffurflenni cywir.Derbynnir pympiau asthma a thriniaeth ar gyfer clefyd y gwair (hayfever) yn unig, trwy ganiatâd y Pennaeth. Rhaid derbyn ffurflen swyddogol cyn gweinyddu'r moddion. Fel arfer, cedwir y pympiau yn swyddfa'r Pennaeth. Mewn achosion mwy difrifol rhoddir caniatâd i'w cadw mewn man mwy cyfleus.


