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Ysgol GynraddCalon Y Cymoedd

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Y lindysyn llwglyd iawn

Croeso ir Sach Stori y Lindysyn Llwglyd iawn!

Mae'r pecyn yma yn llawn gweithgareddau sydd  yn cysylltu gyda'r stori.Bwriad y pecyn yw i eich plentyn joio sesiwn agored a amser stori tu allan yn yr awyr iach.


Hello and Welcome to the Hungry Caterpillar story sack! 

This pack is full of fun ideas and activities that are all connected to the story. The purpose of the pack is to give your child the opportunity to enjoy a forest school session and story time outside in the fresh air. 


Stori yr Lindysyn Llwglyd iawn 

Gwahanol gweithgareddau a syniadau


Bug Hotel


Beth am ceisioi adeladu gwestyam gyd or bryfed sydd yn byw yn eich gardd chi?

What about building a bug hotel for all of the insects in you garden including a hungry caterpillar to stay in?





Cofiwch i lwytho lluniau o chi ac eich Gwesty Prydfed i Dojo !

Remember to upload a picture of you and your Bug Hotel to Dojo ! 


Sut i greu Gwesty Pryfed - How to build a Bug Hotel - Wildlife Connections

Follow our simple instructions for how to make a bug hotel. Wildlife Connections is a project from Chester Zoo where you can help us create wildlife friendly...

Ysgol y Goedwig yn yr ardd - Garden Forest Schools Bug Hotel

This is Part One of my Garden Forest Schools Playlist looking at the Bug Hotel. Items you will need are Wood, Stones, Paper, Toilet Rolls, Grass/Straw, Stone...

Adnoddau/Tafleni defnyddiol am eich Gwesty Pryfed

Helpful worksheets for your Bug Hotel 

Adnoddau or wefan Wild Life 


Hela am bryfed 

Bug Hunt 



Beth am hela am bryfed a nodi pa fath rydych wedi ffinidio?

Allwch nodi gan tynnu lluniau neu ysgrifennu, Syniad! beth am nodi pa fath o amgylchedd/cynhefin mae'r pryfed yn byw mewn? 

What about going on a bug hunt in your garden?

Make sure to note the instects you find down, you could draw the insects you find or create a chart and note how many where and what kind of habitat you found them in?


Sut i hela am Pryfed - How To Go On a Bug Hunt

Adnoddau or wefan Wild Life 



Rheol - Cyn creu neu defnyddio pooter mae'n bwysig rydych wedi gofyn am caniatad o eich rhieni a bod rhiant/ oedolyn gyda chi pryd rydych yn ue defnyddio !


How to make a bug catcher -- Eden Project

Adnoddau / Tafleni er mwy cofnodi eich gweithgaredd hela pryfed 


Malwod Toes - Play-doh Snails



Ceisiwch creu malwod gan casglu wahanol adnoddau naturiol erengraifft cragen hen malwod sydd yn wag a conau pinwydd a creu corff yr malwoden gan defnyddio toes.


Try and create a snail, hunt for old snails shells, pine cones and small pebbles for the snails back, use play-doh for the body and collect some small twigs for  the antennas. 


Sut i greu tes - How to create play-doh

Llun cymesuredd pili pala 

Symmetry picture of a butterfly



Trwich creu llun cymesuredd gan defnyddio gwahanol adnoddau naturiol o eich ardd, cofiwch pryd rydych yn arlunio pili pala, rhaid ir ddau adenydd cyfateb iw gilydd.


Trwy to create a symmetrical picture of a butterfly using natural media from your garden, remember butterflies wings are matching, so make sure what ever you do to one wing the other must match!


Gweithgareddau / adnoddau o Twinkle 
